With You

Ella Cromer '23, Galea Editor

The cold, frigid air, pricks at my skin, 

an endless winter encasing the atmosphere, 

But it melts away with the warmth of your hand. 

The warmth grows, like the feeling of admiration

from a silly feeling, impertinent to my thoughts

into a deep connection, a string of fate. 


It starts as a speck of light,

a diluted color, miniscule,

like a glimpse of a distant, minute star.

and eventually expands, 

swelling with light, 

into the glimmering moon. 


Being with you, 

the world around me transforms.

The murky sky disappears,

replaced with vibrant hues.

What was once lifeless and muddy,

is now animated and radiating. 


It is only with you,

That I am enamored with life.

Bestowed with a meaning,

fluttering with comfort, endearment, 

A feeling of home,

One that is founded with you. 

– E.C.