September 9th rally includes heart, hype, and homecoming

Photo by Megan Wallace

2022 Bishop Gorman Homecoming Court

Kyla Acres '23, School News Editor

One of Gorman’s most exciting pep rallies of the year occurred on September 9, 2022. The pep rally encouraged school spirit and enthusiasm for the up and coming Homecoming game and dance which took place October 7 and 8, 2022. 

At the rally, the Homecoming Court was announced. The Homecoming Court king candidates were Zachariah Branch, Anthony Marnell, Elijah Palmer, John Corrigan, Gunnar Myro, as well as Maddox Mixer, and the queen candidates were Abigail Hartz, Sydney Yee, Kennedy Anderson, Charley Schumacher ,Gillian Rodophele, and Lauren Edgeworth.

However, this year’s announcement came with a little twist as the 2022 Homecoming Court was declared for the first time in years during the rally, where new nominees were asked to come down to the floor in front of the entire school.  “It’s just more fun when people get to be sitting around their friends. They’re in the student section when they find out, as opposed to having to listen to me on the overhead announcement,” said Jimmy Gleich, Director of Student Activities. Students seemed to have an enthusiastic reaction to the announcements as following every name with cheers and applause.  

The rally was packed and included games such as a human version of “Hungry Hungry Hippos” and action packed performances from the Gorman cheer team. The planning of the pep rally was made possible by senior, Maddy Stenson, Rally Coordinator for ASG. “It takes a lot of effort to make a pep rally. You have to work with a lot of people in order for the rally to be successful, organized, and not a waste of time.” Says Stenson.   

Hungry, Hungry Hippo game played during assembly.
Photo by Kyla Acres