First homecoming week for freshman class

Photo by Dena Mosavat

Bishop Gorman halls decorated in “Stranger Things” theme.

Dena Mosavat '26, Social Media Editor

The freshmen class voiced their thoughts on their first ever homecoming week. 

Many of them admitted to being surprised when the “Stranger Things” theme was announced on BGTV, but some were in no shock at all. “I was kind of expecting it because Season 4 of Stranger Things was huge,” stated AJ Bonifazio.

“I thought it was an interesting choice. It was okay… I think they were trying too hard,” insisted Jacob Lam. 

Photo by Dena Mosavat

Despite the class’ mixed reactions to this year’s homecoming theme, many students were huge fans of the posters. “I like how they’re everywhere. You can tell that ASG tried really hard to make it look good and give the students a cool experience,” Montserrat Velazquez claimed. 

Most popular of all the HOCO traditions this year seems to be the dress days. Comfy day proved to be a favorite among both the staff and students. “Comfy day is probably my favorite dress day theme because I can just roll out of bed and come to school,” said Brady Norman.