head vs heart

Amelia Gemignani '23, Galea Editor

searing emptiness-

you tear my heart from out of my chest with your silence. 

my heart mourns in agony from the torment,

but my head says to let your pain be my pain. 


regeneration of trust-

i reach out for a hand that once caused me anguish 

“forgive and forget,”  i say. 

my heart is reborn again with naivety 


familiar emptiness-

my fragile heart gushes and breaks in your hand. 

but my head repeats “let your pain be my pain.

i would let you rip out my heart a hundred times again.”  


our story ends-

when you dropped my once beating heart on the cold tile 

i left it there because it was nothing to you, 

so it was nothing to me. 


a new story begins- 

a cold needle in my left hand, 

the broken bits that were once a heart in my right. 

“i can only give you the tools,” the stranger said


a random act of kindness-

how could a stranger see more value in me in a second 

than you ever could in a century? 

disillusionment follows with each internal stitch to fix what i thought was love. 


head vs heart- 

my head was to blinded by my heart to see it’s value, 

as i sew, my head repeats “let your pain be my pain. 

i will never take you for granted again.” 


to any person who was in my place: 

you are worth more than someone who rips your heart out.

there will always be people who see your worth,

and are willing to give you a chance- 


though, only you can be the one to sew yourself up. 

you are the only one who can control the path your life takes. 

chase the happiness you deserve, 

because you only have this life to do so. 


  • (A.G)