Last week, Bishop Gorman was buzzing with excitement as students exchanged candy grams and made wishes at the school’s wishing well, creating a fun and festive atmosphere to brighten everyone’s winter week.
Candy grams were sold on Feb. 2 and 6 at the activities office, and Mr. Gleich’s office in the student union for the cost of one dollar. All the money given for candy grams is all donated to Mite Box for a better cause.
Candy grams “show classmates that we appreciate one another while also raising money for a bigger cause,” Lucia Mazzara ‘25 said.
On Friday, ASG students handed out the candy grams to the different classes on campus, and dressed up in fun heart costumes while playing music to set the vibe of Valentine’s Day together.
Ellie Patta ‘26 said, “this was my first time handing out candy grams, and it was really fun to spread kindness around the school and spend Valentine’s Day handing out candy for people.”
Wishes were placed outside of Mr. Gleich’s office, and had been taking place all week. The first wish was granted Feb. 7, giving flowers to Mrs. Poidmore and Mrs. Larimore at the front desk at student services.
During the assembly, Mr. Gleich announced a special wish being granted. One of Ms. McCullough’s classes put in a wish to give her some thank you cards and give an appreciation to her for being such an amazing teacher.
Averie Smith ‘25 stated, “the purpose of the wishing well tradition is to encourage the student body to think about others and reinforce a sense of giving back.”
Wishes are a big part of the school spirit at Bishop Gorman, because it helps students motivate themselves to have a need to serve others and give back. The tradition of candy grams and wishing well spreads good spirits around the school to help everyone be a little more kind. These special events ASG helps put on during winter week definitely is something that can be carried on throughout the years.