On Jan. 21st, President Kilduff announced his retirement after serving in his current role at Bishop Gorman for the past 15 years, in which he was responsible for overseeing the transition of multiple principals, numerous athletic state titles, and the building of the new student union.
I had the opportunity to sit down with Principal Goode, who talked a lot about how he cherished the moments he had with President Kilduff, and how he “always supported me and Bishop Gorman High School.” He highlighted many of Kilduff’s best accomplishments, which includes “leading Bishop Gorman through Covid” and “overseeing the safety precautions so that we could open during the school year.”
At first glance, you may believe that President Kilduff was hired right on the spot 15 years ago from today. It turns out that he was never really supposed to be the long-term replacement, and that is one of Principal Goode’s best memories of working with him. Principal Goode recalls being in a meeting right after Christmas Break concluded and Kilduff telling the rest of administration that he “came in everyday over Christmas vacation and none of you guys were here.” Principal Goode knew from that second forward who was going to fill the long-term void, and it is safe to say that he was a huge fan of the decision. The activities at the school, the new construction of buildings, and the overall student body really demonstrate his “commitment to the Catholic Church, the Archdiocese of Las Vegas, and his commitment to Bishop Gorman High School,” Principal Goode added.
In the coming months before he officially steps down at the end of June, Principal Goode hopes to “send him off and thank him for his 15 years of service to Bishop Gorman High School and all of the things he has done in helping the school expand.” As for the retirement itself, Principal Goode admitted that at first he was “shocked,” but happy in the fact that he was able to recognize that President Kilduff can now “enjoy his time with his wife, his children, and his grandchildren.”