Ms. Fitzpatrick took over some of the chemistry classes at the semester break. Her experience is composed of over 25 years of teaching at the high school level and three at the collegiate level. She also was a professional chemist before teaching.
“We have set fire to some things,” Ms. Fitzpatrick said when asked about some experiments she has done. “We may have burned some students’ homework and lab papers but only for drying purposes.” Her class has done many fun experiments in the past, not just burning homework, but also dissolving things and other fun experiments that help her teach. This was just in the first couple weeks of her starting to teach chemistry here at Gorman.
“I was retired and missed teaching, so I decided to come back to teach at Gorman,” said Ms. Fitzpatrick. She had taught many things in the past and decided to come back to Bishop Gorman where she went to high school.
Ms. Fitzpatrick said, “I have taught many things outside of chemistry. I have taught physics, environmental science, earth science, and biology.” On top of her professional career in chemistry, she has a long background in teaching sciences.
Outside of school though, she has many hobbies that are interesting and very fun. She revealed, “I have bees and I harvest their honey.” She also has more hobbies outside of school, which include horseback riding and gardening.
“I love teaching, and Gorman was the best place for me to return and teach.”