Downfall of Disneyland?

Ryan Arcana '26, Staff Writer

The most magical place on earth? BGHS students discuss how Disneyland is not as fun as it used to be in our childhood memories.

The recent changes in the Disneyland park made freshmen, Skylar Poelmans question whether it was still a fun place to go.

 “ There is a lot of walking and I would rather go to California Adventure,” she states. Skylar explains how the last time she went with her family to Disneyland it really hurt her feet and she would not want to return. 

Lauren Gross not only agrees that Disneyland hurts your feet but also how it is not as nostalgic as it was. 

Lauren remarked, “ Definitely not, because my imagination was bigger when I was little but it’s still fun.” Even though it may not be as fun for her, she still loves to go to the happiest place on earth. 

Unlike some opinions, Marco Mora enjoyed going to Disneyland with his family for his sister’s birthday, and would like to go again. 

“ I forgot a lot of things, and now that I’m older I get to fully experience everything,” Marco announces and believes that it is even better than when he was younger. 

“I’ve seen the real world now and Disneyland is not as magical or as special as it would be to little me, when I don’t even care about princesses and Mickey Mouse anymore, “ Skylar concludes. Disneyland will continue to have a soft spot for this generation but as we get older the memories will also continue to fade.