Look no further… summer service is here!

Photo by Pamela Cross

Two Bishop Gorman Students volunteering at Miracle League.

Dena Mosavat '26, Social Media Editor

As the 2022-2023 school year approaches its end, and many students begin to think of activities they will partake in during the summer, service hours are often at the forefront of their minds.

For students in need of service hours, summer is the perfect time to get caught up on them or just accumulate more in general. For indirect service, a good option would be volunteering at the Opportunity Village Thrift Store while for direct service, students should consider volunteering at Catholic Charities’ soup kitchen.

Some less popular and more unconventional methods of getting service hours should not be shied away from. “Volunteering at a hospital is a great way to get direct service hours. A handful of students do this but it is a great experience if you are interested in the medical world and it is one of the few ways that students can serve after school on weekdays. The hospitals provide training so it is not a quick fix for those who need a few hours. However, if you plan ahead it is probably the best way of getting lots of direct service hours,” Deacon Knee informed.

No student should be discouraged if they do not  have very many service hours. “For students in a rush, Miracle League, a baseball league for the developmentally disadvantaged, on Saturdays is a great way of getting direct hours,” Deacon Knee advised.

Freshman Isabella Lewis had a great experience volunteering there, “I thought volunteering at Miracle League was a very fun experience! My friend and I really bonded with the people there.”

At Bishop Gorman, there are ample opportunities for students, no matter what their service hours status is, to gain some in the summer.  Reach out to Campus Ministry for more information.