Back Seat Lovers head to Vegas

Photo By Rylee Davis

Lead Singer Joshua Harmon.

In a petite venue, with multicolored lights everywhere, even a bowling alley on the side, many music fans packed in to hear their favorite songs belonging to this unique genre come to life. This was the scene on Friday April 28 as they left their audience at the Brooklyn Bowl in awe.

The Backseat Lovers are a new and upcoming band whose genre really does not fit into one specific category. As senior Colin Kirkpatrick,  who attended the concert, states, “although they can be defined as rock, they are definitely a different mix between rock and indie.”

The Backseat Lovers consists of the lead vocalist and guitarist, Joshua Harmon, as well as the lead guitarist, Jonas Swanson, the bass guitarist, KJ Ward, and lastly Juice Welch who is the drummer. These individuals are able to unite their talents in a harmonious way to produce amusing music for their audience.

The songs played were mostly from their 2019 album “When We Were Friends”, however they still played some of their most famous songs from their other two albums. Undoubtedly their most famous song, “Kilby Girl”, was definitely a hit amongst the crowd as they sang along with Joshua word for word. If one was not familiar with some of their songs, then this concert would definitely have inspired them to start listening more to them.