Sympathy for the Scientist

Dedicated to my favorite woman in STEM

W. Carter

photo via Wikimedia Commons under Creative Commons license

“There is no such thing as the nonsense you speak of,”
So she ignores the please of her heart for her brain.
For every romantic experiment has only ended in pain.
Have sympathy for the scientist, for she hypothesizes there is no love.
Against her will, her heart has never lost touch with up above,
and her yearning for a rose colored connection remains.
Rejecting the heart and the brain is the formula of the insane,
Since it is only human nature to chase after gilded love.
The amygdalan overseer is responsible for such emotions.
Euphoria on her left and dysphoria on her right–
The scientist’s mind is cramped with senseless commotion.
But my dear scientist, in the midst of your confusing plight:
Believe me when I say love is real, and you are worthy of endless devotion.
Love will find you in different forms for (though you believe it not be) it is infinite.