A Marvelous Winterfest

Created by Abby Hartz

The highly anticipated Winter Week has come upon Gorman as it takes place within the next week. On February 7, the theme was released via social media along with the dress up days for spirit week. This year there will be a twist on Winterfest as it contains a weeklong Clash of Classes competition amongst all grades, possibly leading to an overall prize.

The theme of this year’s Winterfest put on by ASG is “Marvelous Winterfest” inspired by Marvel. Due to the theme, every spirit day will all incorporate an item of something related to the Marvel comics or movies.

On Monday, it is “Marvelous Monday” meaning students should wear anything superhero or Marvel character related. On Tuesday, it is “Love & Thunder Day,” inspired by the Thor film. This day suggests a pink, red, white, or Thor attire, which coincides with Valentine’s Day which is also on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the theme in title is “Avengers Day Off” where students can deck out in their comfy attire (no pajamas). Thursday brings “The First Avenger Thursday” inspired by the oldest and first Avenger: Captain America. On this day, students will wear red, white, or blue. The last day is Friday entitled “Infinity Stones Friday”, and like all other spirit weeks each class is assigned a color. Seniors: red, Juniors: blue, Sophomores: Yellow, and Freshmen: Orange. Admin and Staff are also in on the action where teachers will be green and admin are assigned purple.

Along with spirit days, there are certain activities that will be included throughout the week. Candy grams which are on sale February 7 and 8, will be distributed by ASG members during class, there will be an In Class Mass for all Theology classes on February 16 and 17, and an assembly held on February 18.

Winterfest Week is the first spirit week of the second semester, so all should join in order to show school spirit, have fun at school, or enjoy their weeks worth of no uniforms!