ASG the Heart of the G

Jimmy Gleich

Bishop Gorman ASG group picture taken is Disney’s California adventure

As school starts back up, the anticipation builds with what this semester may bring. With winter week, student government leadership conferences, and prom planning underway, ASG is preparing to wow the student body with activities galore.

To prepare for 2023,  Bishop Gorman ASG went to a leadership event at Disneyland. “Disney is one of the top companies in leadership so clearly it would be a great place to build our leaders” stated Vice Principal Mrs. Dejoria.

This trip is not a typical Disney trip.  High school government students from around the country sign up to attend a unique leadership seminar lead by Disney leadership professionals who teach Disney-style communication techniques.

Students in ASG have also attended the Zone conference this month sending numerous delegates and having a few seniors lead a small group. Kennedy Anderson ‘23 is one of them she shared “I think Zone is worth it for leaders because we are able to share ideas with other schools and use those in our school. It’s also a great experience to be with people that enjoy the same things you do.”

With many important events for ASG students to implement this semester, these leadership opportunities bring new ideas and energy to future events.