BGHS takes gaming to another level

Nevada Esports logo.

A sport that requires strategy and precise hand/eye coordination, the E Sports club is now available at Bishop Gorman for gaming.

The E Sports club participates in multiple gaming competitions in Las Vegas.. The main platform used to compete is called PlayVs. “Through that [PlayVs] the students compete in a variety of games either head to head or as a part of a team against other high school esports teams.” stated Mr. Valle, club moderator.

The club’s meeting schedule is Tuesdays after school in room 308, different games compete on different days. The club’s officers include Braden Hill and Maddox Mastov, the club moderators are Mr. Valle and Mr. Jackson who is the co-moderator. For now the students compete using their own computers or gaming systems from their homes.

The E Sports club invites you to play video games and compete with them.