Doing what’s right with Matthew 25

Photo by Abby Hartz

Mathew 25 board meeting in the chapel with Bishop Gorman students.

Helping people one week at a time, members of Matthew 25, a club at Gorman, decide where money from mite box is donated each week.

Every Tuesday members of the club meet in the chapel and discuss the applications from mite box. Ariana Jose, a senior and the President of Matthew 25 says, “In partnership with social workers, Matthew 25 uses school wide donations to help bring families back to their homes and loved ones.”

For every meeting attended, members receive 30 minutes of indirect service. Ariana Jose adds that, “As the senior president of Matthew 25, I watched as members shifted their mindsets from attending Matthew 25 meetings for service hours to becoming advocates for as many families as possible.”

Matthew 25 is a club devoted to making a difference in the Las Vegas community, “dedicating time to something we love comes from our hearts and bringing even an ounce of happiness to others in hard times feels the most important to me which is why I always invite people to Matthew 25.” stated Jose. “We aren’t just a club, but a community driven by service and faith.”