Movie Asunder cuts the tension

Evan Keffer '23, Staff Writer


Written and directed by Bishop Gorman High School student, Chandler Shulman, the medieval short film, Asunder, leaves its viewers stunned and begging for more.

Asunder depicts the medieval epic of Prince Helderic, a young man who must determine what he wants to make of himself after being attacked by several bandits and given a second chance to live. Shulman himself describes his film on his social media, “this film had been in production for over a year, and it’s awesome and satisfying to finally see it done.”

With excellent cinematography and tense moments filled with action and drama, it is hard to believe that this film’s budget was less than $100. Shot all on an I Phone, this film uses its limitations to its benefit by making comedy of its situations. Shulman stated, “I’ve always been relatively broke, but now I have my metaphorical money. It shows you don’t need money to make something dope.”

The film was released on YouTube under the Channel, Shrimp Factory. The cast includes Shulman and his group of friends, Shrimp Factory will continue to produce many more short films. When asked what they have planned next, Shulman stated, “other than our bullfighting careers, we are focused on making more consistent and shorter films.”