Santa’s eyes and ears

Elf on the Shelf

Ryan Arcana '26, Staff Writer

Santa has a lot of helpers, but none as popular as Elf on the Shelf.

Elf on the Shelve dolls have been an admired Christmas tradition since the early 2000’s. The simple inclusion of the elves during the Christmas season has taken on a life of its own. 

Most people who own the elves have special traditions with them. “ I wasn’t allowed to touch my elf until Christmas,” Bella Dupreez noted was her tradition. For most children they are not allowed to touch their elves the whole season. 

Santa’s elves arrive at their homes right when the Christmas season begins. People can dress their elves and get them merchandise. “I got mine a whole new hat and everything,” Skylar Poelmans stated.

 When Ella Redden was younger, she would look forward to her elf and her elf pet coming on December 1st. “Yes I had a reindeer,” Ella mentioned. She has one of the three elf pets people can get for their elves. They arrive and leave with the elves, however children can touch the elf pets, but not the elves. 

Even though most of us do not believe in Santa Claus or Elf on the Shelves at this age, they were still a fun part of our childhood and are still included in the Christmas Spirit.