A campus store Christmas

Photo By Kyla Acres

Mrs. Roberts in Bishop Gorman campus store.

Abby Hartz '23, School News Editor

The Bishop Gorman Campus Store creates buzz with sales and new items for the holiday season. 

Anyone who has walked into the Campus Store recently may have noticed a difference in atmosphere. This is due to the upcoming Christmas holiday which has caused an increase in incoming items. “We have had about 15 items that range from accessories to clothing come in to fall right at holiday time,” stated Campus Store Manager, Michelle Roberts.  

Photo by Abby Hartz

Preceding Christmas time is the nationally recognized “Black Friday” where all stores hold sales to honor the Christmas shopping season. Similar to any other store, the Campus Store was likely to receive an influx of customers because of the holidays. “Black Friday brought in a lot of business for us, which was great.” Roberts commented. “People are shopping for holiday gifts and they may need something like a uniform piece.” 

New items in the store include many pieces such as a variety of sweaters, hoodies, jackets, headwear, and so much more which are proving to be consumer favorites. Roberts states, “The favorite item we brought in this holiday season for gifting is by Nike. It’s called the Fisherman Beanie. super soft, super subtle. I think anyone could rock it and it’d be amazing.”