The Lovers

photo via Wikimedia Commons under Creative Commons license

photo via Wikimedia Commons under Creative Commons license

Amelia Gemignani '23, Galea Editor



To pull the upright Lovers tarot card 

is a beauty destined by chance. 

For love is in the beholder’s destiny,

and the sweet journey of soulmates’ romance. 


The gleaming dance of kindred souls, 

separated once yet united they’ll remain!

Take hold of your joy without any fear, 

for when love conquers, joy reigns! 


Just how moon cannot shine without the sun,

Love’s melody illuminates your very being. 

To pull the upright Lovers tarot card, 

is as beautiful as roses of desire blooming in spring. 




Downturned and Detached—

The Tarot Lovers’ tides have turned.

Imbalanced environment within conflict.

Accountability avoidance creates bridges being burned. 


The dance of kindred souls becomes inharmonious.

The violin painfully cries out of tune and scarred.

Cling onto what’s broken and shattered, praying that like Pandora—

a bit of hope would be at the bottom of that jar 


A somber moonless night without the gleam of the sun, 

and the emptiness in your chest when you’ve hit rock bottom. 

Roses of desire bloomed for the Lovers in spring,

but frankly, my dear, they wilt just in time for autumn